Thursday, December 31, 2009


My blog entries have become quite lapse of late...

Well I made it to back to Ireland for my Xmas Hols!


--but we are stuck on the first leg of our journey here in Carrickfergus (actually sat in the old Carrick library as I type) We had hoped to travel to Waterford on the 28th for the second half of our trip with Jacinta's family, but we all came down with a stomach bug and have pretty much been bed-ridden for the past few days.

All being well we plan to travel on New years day (-travelling on New Years Day, now that really fills my heart with glee!)

It's been an interesting trip to say the least.

But I feel I can still try to muster the energy to wish you all a belated Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.

Speak soon.


Mark Kardwell said...

I've said plenty of mean things about Carrickfergus in the past, but recent tripss there have taught me it might still be weird, but it's not as bad as when I lived thereabouts at the start of the nineties.

And you can even get a decent pint there now, even if the locals are still scary.

Scribbler said...

Happy new year man! If you're stomach's up to it if you're passing Dublin my mobile number is 0876803867 I'll buy you a few pints for keepin me off the breadline for the last year

Colin Lorimer said...

Mark, I was referring more to my experience in Carrick rather than the town itself.


Oh, who am I kidding?!

It's a shithole ;)

Hey Tom. Yeah, we didn't get to hang around in Dublin due to losing so much time in the North...
Maybe next year man!

Same to you Angie, I'll be dropping you a line in the near future...